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You have the power to directly contribute to our mission of empowering neurodivergent individuals and creating a more inclusive workforce.


If you wish to donate via bank transfer please contact us here

Make a donation to Specialisterne Australia, you have the power to directly contribute to our mission of empowering neurodivergent individuals and creating a more inclusive workforce.

How will your donation deliver IMPACT?

$5000 will enable us to provide vital workplace readiness training and support to unemployed neurodivergent individuals to help them upskill and prepare for meaningful employment. 

$10000 will create more job placement opportunities across varied industries beyond IT where autistic and neurodivergent individuals are often overlooked and underemployed.

$20000 will enable us to expand our training programs onto an e-learning platform to have greater social impact through education and awareness to all businesses across Australia. This e-learning education would contribute to systemic change in the workplace.

We firmly believe that creating a diverse and inclusive workforce is not only a social responsibility but also a smart business move. By tapping into the unique perspectives and talents of neurodiverse individuals, companies can drive innovation, problem-solving, and creativity to new heights. Your donation will directly impact the individuals we serve. Act now to support systemic change for the next generation.


If you have any questions or require further information about Specialisterne Australia's work, please don't hesitate to contact our dedicated team.

Thank you in advance for your support and for considering this opportunity to make a difference. We look forward to partnering with you and Specialisterne Australia to build a more inclusive future.

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