The Inclusive Talent Management Maturity model is a framework for evaluating an organisation’s current state, future diversity goals, as well as establishing a path to achieving them.
Specialisterne developed this model in partnership with Dr. Rob Austin of the Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario in Canada.
Specialisterne works with businesses to raise awareness and understanding about neurodiversity, build inclusive hiring and management practices, and connect businesses to a highly qualified, untapped talent pool.
At Specialisterne, we support our employer-partners to “learn by doing”, providing opportunities for businesses to build their organisational capacity, and confidence to adopt and implement neuro-inclusive recruitment and management practices. These practices not only support neurodivergent candidates and employees but contribute to an accessible and inclusive workplace that benefits all employees.

Inclusive Hiring - Maturity Model
The Inclusive Talent Management Maturity model is a framework for evaluating an organisation’s current state, future diversity goals, as well as establishing a path to achieving them.
Specialisterne developed this model in partnership with Dr. Rob Austin of the Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario in Canada.
Most employers are already on a path toward increasing the diversity of their workforce. But it is hard for any organisation to know how well it is doing, and to establish where they currently sit in relation to medium or long term goals, or to the ultimate goal of fully inclusive policies, processes, and practices.
This model clearly defines a series of carefully considered qualities and criteria for each phase of maturity. An assessment of maturity can be defined for an organisation, a division, a department or even a particular process. For example, an organisation may have an employee onboarding process that all employees participate in when they first start their job. But that same organisation may have few if any recruitment programs targeting candidates from marginalised populations. Such and organisation would have achieved stage two maturity in recruitment but stage four in onboarding.
An organisation that has well established programs for recruiting marginalised populations, for example a neurodiversity at work program, would have achieve stage three maturity in that area of recruitment, and may be well positioned to begin enhance its mainstream recruitment program, eliminating the side door in favour of making the front door more inclusive.