Specialisterne understands that autistic or neurodivergent employees may learn, communicate and process information in different ways and may experience barriers in the workplace. As such, Specialisterne takes a holistic, person-centred approach to Workplace Supports and works in partnership with both the employee and employer to create productive and inclusive work practices and environments.
All employees benefit from the support of others in the workplace, particularly in learning the workplace culture, navigating performance expectations and learning how teams communicate and collaborate.
Specialisterne understands that autistic or neurodivergent employees may learn, communicate and process information in different ways and may experience barriers in the workplace. As such, Specialisterne takes a holistic, person-centred approach to Workplace Supports and works in partnership with both the employee and employer to create productive and inclusive work practices and environments.
What is Workplace Support?
Workplace support is 1:1 mentoring and coaching to either the manager, employee or both. It is one of the most frequently requested and easily implemented accommodations to make available to neurodivergent employees and their managers.
Sessions are delivered by an experienced Neurodiversity Coaches.
Who provides the support?
Our specialised team brings a unique blend of expertise in coaching, training, and diversity and inclusion, as well as lived experience of neurodiversity. All of our Neurodiversity Coaches are either neurodivergent or have lived experience of neurodiversity. Our coaches bring expertise from a range of fields such as education, counselling, occupational rehabilitation and business to ensure our training and coaching is current and evidence-based. All our coaches are trained in Mental Health First Aid.
What does the support look like?
The structure and frequency of sessions is to be determined on a person-centred basis. Typically we see support is required across -
Identification, and understanding to provide strategies to address social, communication and executive functioning challenges experienced in the workplace
We provide strategies to ensure a successful integration in the workplace
We identify support needs and accommodation requirements for the employee to thrive in the workplace (both at home and in the workplace).
Who is the service for?
1. Newly recruited employees
Provision of onboarding, coaching, support and business capacity building once neurodivergent candidates are placed into employment.
To enable neurodivergent employees to be successful at work, and support managers to implement inclusive workplace strategies and adjustments to enable neurodivergent employees to thrive.
2. Existing employees
Coaching and enablement for an existing neurodivergent employee, and possibly their manager and broader team if required.
To assist in identifying coaching needs in relation to neurodiversity and to provide instruction, support and guidance to assist the individual to thrive in their role and workplace. This could be a combination of employee coaching, development of a Success Plan (or Profile Preferences), manager training, manger coaching, or broader team training.
Neurodiversity Confident Employer
Enhance understanding, challenge misconceptions, and build organisational capacity to create inclusive hiring and management practices.
The Neurodiversity Confident Employer Pack includes: